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What are the Benefits of Taking Highly Bioavailable and Organic CBD?

updated 11/8/21

Starting a daily routine with CBD allows us to explore the many researched properties that this hemp-derived compound can offer to us, both physically and mentally.  But, as you may have figured out by now, CBD products can differ in a variety of ways.  In fact, there are a lot of ways in which the quality alone can differ between two seemingly identical CBD-infused products, and these factors are not always visible to the naked eye.

That why we will be taking a closer look at two terms used frequently in our industry that all users should always consider when buying hemp-infused products, which are bioavailability and whether or not the hemp is organic

These two terms are intricately linked, but ultimately infer two different aspects of the product, and we will be getting into each today to help you understand how these factors can affect your CBD shopping habits so that you end up with higher-quality products moving forward.

Organic Hemp

By and large, our industry relies on organically grown hemp, because it is undoubtedly superior, and because more customers have come to expect this of their favorite companies.  But not all do, and it’s important to know whether or not what you’re buying does, in fact, come from organic hemp crops.

Generally speaking, organic farming relies on the use of natural methods rather than using toxic pesticides, herbicides and other materials that introduce heavy metals and other unwanted substances into the soil and plants themselves.  Organic products are considered superior because they are free of these toxins, thus making them cleaner for the body.  This is especially important when it comes to the hemp plant, because industrial hemp is uniquely good at absorbing elements in its surrounding soil. 

Therefore, if it is grown with pesticides and other additives that are synthetic in nature, hemp has a good chance of absorbing a decent amount of those toxins into its plant structure.

Organic hemp is also more chemically stable because certain conventional growing practices can interfere with the delicate chemical compounds in the plant.  This means that nonorganic hemp may end up being less potent and ultimately, less effective as a result.

So, how can someone know whether or not that what they are buying comes from organic hemp material?  Well, a company should always be forthcoming about this information.  It is even better if they can provide a certificate that verifies that the hemp is organic, as is provided by the USDA.  A hemp farmer cannot legally claim that they produce organic material unless they get this piece of approval from the Department of Agriculture.


Bioavailability is another important factor that, in short, references how capable the compounds are of absorbing into the body.  Basically, the easier it is for these compounds to absorb, the more you will experience the hemp in action after taking it.  Bioavailability is affected by a number of factors, with the organic status of the plant being just one of them.

How the hemp compounds were extracted from the plant material also play a role in bioavailability.  Lower-quality extraction methods, such as ones that rely on solvents, can damage the structural integrity of the compounds, making it harder for them to absorb.  Another factor it the chemical composition itself.  As it turns out, full spectrum hemp is the most bioavailable option, because the presence of each compound as it exists in nature seems to aid in the overall absorption of the extract.

Bioavailability is also determined by the delivery method.  For instance, sublingual administration such as tinctures, is highly bioavailable because of how effectively the sublingual tissue absorbs the compounds.  This is one reason why tinctures are so popular.  Topicals are also highly bioavailable, because the cannabinoids and terpenes absorb easily through the skin to reach the cannabinoid receptors in the skin, muscles, and joints, offering a more localized approach to using CBD for relief.

Bioavailability cannot be quantified, which is one reason why the topic is intimidating to hemp newcomers.  A company cannot provide a “bioavailability score,” or prove through tangible means that their products are more bioavailable than others.  But, with the right education on the hemp plant, consumers can consider many factors that affect bioavailability in order to deem which product will best absorb fully into their body.

The factors that determine bioavailability, that you as a consumer can measure yourself, are as follows:

  1. Delivery Method: The faster the hemp takes effect, the more bioavailable the formula is.
  2. Extraction Method: The way in which the hemp compounds were extracted from the plant material plays a role in how easily the compounds absorb into the body. The CO2 method, using nano-technology, and even applying a double extraction process is ideal for bioavailability.  Still, the CO2 extraction process is the most widely utilized method in today’s hemp market.
  3. Organic Status: Whether or not the hemp is organic affects the bioavailability of the formula.
  4. The Hemp Compounds Present: Full spectrum hemp is the most bioavailable due to the synergistic properties of cannabinoids and terpenes.
  5. Product’s Age: The fresher the hemp product, the more bioavailable it is. As hemp extract ages, its compounds oxidize and become less bioavailable and potent.
  6. Milligram Strength: Products with higher milligram strengths offer higher bioavailability, simply because the stronger concentrations increase the chance of absorbing more hemp into the body.

Hemp that is Organic and Bioavailable Certainly Proves Its Worth

Whether you are taking CBD sublingually or topically, it is important to opt for organic hemp whenever possible and look for the various factors that play a role in the ultimate bioavailability of the product.  One should never overlook the large roles that these factors play in whether or not a particular hemp formula can actually satisfy their needs. 

Luckily, most of today’s hemp companies are transparent about the manufacturing methods they use, which means that you can easily determine how bioavailable a product is, and whether or not it comes from organic hemp, with minimal effort.